Monday 22 September 2014

Real Time Information/Services

Real Time Information
Online News Update: we view news online on website like BBC news or daily mail, online news is updated as soon as an event happens. Online news services help as to check news instantly as soon as anything happened around the world.
You can view news online on your mobile phone.
You can check news everywhere you are as long as you have internet connection.
It can be viewed if you miss the broadcast on TV or radio
It can’t be reliable sometime.
Online news doesn’t have a very good connection service, so the news can crash sometimes.
There is no advertisement for companies.
My personal Experience: I read online news sometime but not usually, I think that online news is a very big benefit for people who read news everyday as online news is free and they save time, they just have to view it online. Online news save time and money.
Traffic News: Traffic reports started in late 70s; traffic news and update work in a similar way to news updating but more locally. News of traffic status is updated online immediately online. This allows people to plan a journey and avoiding traffic queues. Satnav (Satellite Navigation) in cars features traffic updates to allow drivers to take a different route and to avoid traffic.
A Satnav screen showing the user being directed away from heavy traffic.

You can plan your journey and avoid traffic routes
If you don’t know how to get to a specific route, you can use satnav to help you reach your destination.
You can use traffic news update 24/7.
Online use it can’t be reliable sometime
Everyone could be using the same route as you, and there could a traffic jam again.
My personal Experience: I have never used or view traffic news before, but when I am travelling with my family my dad plans the journey by using Satnav to avoid traffic routes. I think it is a very good way of planning your journey before leavening your house or work, so that you can avoid traffic queues and accident that have occurred.
Flight Tracker
Real time information and updating is commonly used in controlling air traffic, where you can track plane and see how far it is from the destination. They also look at the altitude if it too high or too low.
Flightradar24 is a website that tracks aircraft from your own computer or smartphone. The website allows you to locate a particular aircraft and information about it such as altitude, destination, and speed. This can allow you to track an aircraft if your relative or anyone is travelling on that a plane and see where about they are.
 A screenshot of Flight radar, showing aircraft over parts of Europe.
You can easily find out if your relative is travelling where they are, and you can get a rough idea when to leave for the airport.
You can see the planes 24/7, and also you can use the website 24/7.
It is easy to access; all you need is Wi-Fi.
You need internet access in order to use the website.
Sometime they don’t give you the information you are looking for.
My personal Experience: I have never used this website or any other website before for tracking planes, but it looks amazing as you look at the website. I think that it is a great website and most taxi drivers would use this for picking or driving customers to the airport as they can track the plane and leave on time so that there are no delays.
Train Timetables/Times
 Real time is used in train timetables to  give information about train arriving and departing time, this is used by people who travel by train or someone who go to work by train and students that go to school using train. It is update every day to make sure that everyone has the right information about trains and that they don’t miss a train. It gives you information to when the train arrives and how long will take you to reach from destination to other.
A screenshot of National Rail, showing train times and fares.

You can plan your journey before you leave your house.
You can find the train departure timing etc.
You can leave before the train arrives and you will not be late for work/school.
You can book your ticket without going to train station.

Some time they can get the train times wrong.
There could be a delayed somehow and you could be late for work.
Trains are usually delays.

My personal Experience: I use train timetables some time whenever I am travelling by train, and for me it has been very beneficial as I don’t face any difficulties while travelling or planning my journey. Most people would use train timetables to check train times or if there is any delay that have occur.

Wednesday 17 September 2014

We send and receive messages through email; we even send pictures or videos using computer or mobile phone.

Emails were the most popular type of communications for a very long time, it is still popular but other social media had a big rise in recent years.  The first email was sent in 1965 but you could only send messages to user on the same computer, later in 1972 Ray Tomlinson made it possible to send emails to different computers he also created the symbol @. The first email he sent between two computers was "qwertyuiop" top line of keyboard.  Now 294 billions emails are now sent every day and more than 2.8 million emails are sent every second and around 90% of these emails are spam and viruses.


  • Emails are very fast and they are very good form of communication.
  • They can be sent 24/7 anywhere that has an internet connection. 
  • You can send email to individuals or more than one person. 
  • It is free and easy to use.
  • Emails are beneficial as they are sent much faster than traditional post sent.  
  • Emails are free to spend but we have to pay for stamps to send items in  the post.
The drawback of emails are that people sent 90% of viruses and spam messages everyday so it could be you that can receive that sort of email. So users have to be aware of the risk and not to open attachments from people that they don’t know.

  • You can be sent spam messages by companies advertising there products. 
  • You can get viruses from locking at emails.
  • You can get fraud by people trying to get your bank information.

My personal experience
I use emails as it is an easy way to connect to my cricket club and teachers via my computer. The main reason I use emails is to receive emails from my Cricket Club as he arranges training session so that I can keep alerted to know what times to attend. I also use emails at school to contact my teachers to email them work and to inform them if I need help. Lastly I used them to apply for jobs online and to send Emails to my father’s friend about business deals.

Mobile phones are one of the most used types of communication between people all around the world. People use mobile phones now everywhere like on trains, at work, and even  in schools by students.
Back in 1993 mobile phones were the size of bricks but know technology has change and you can get them in a size that can fit into your pocket.
These days’ people use mobile phones everywhere, at home, at work, at school and almost everywhere. We use mobile phones for communication as well as entertainment such as games, music, video, even connecting us to the web and more. Around two billion people used mobile phones to communicate with others

  • If you are lost, you can call for directions, to your family, friends etc.
  • You can listen to music, text, and play games when you're bored.
  • You can chat & video conference.
  • You can check your emails

  • Mobile phones can be expensive
  • People use the phone while they are driving, and this can cause problems.
  • They can limit your face to face time with friends and family
  • Can ruin the connection to the computer.
  • Can be hard for older people to use.

 My personal experience: I used my mobile every time, I use it  to text my friends and family as well as other people like my cricket manger if I am not going to cricket training or If I  am away. I use my phone to watch films, or play games because it is easy to use and I don’t have to go on computer and I can use it easily watch it while laying down in my bed rather then sitting straight in front  of  TV.

Texting is the most popular communication between teenagers, around 72% of teenager’s text regularly and one in three sends more than 100 texts per days. Texting has, in many ways, made communications easier by helping people avoiding long, unpleasant phone conversations.
The first message was sent from computer to a mobile phone on December 3 1992 from Neil engineer Neil Papworth sent the first SMS message to Richard Jarvis of Vodafone. It simply read "Merry Christmas," and Jarvis had no way of replying.

  • A person can respond when it is more convenient for them.
  • If you're not able to talk out loud, texting provides a solution. 
  • Easier to text someone if you're not confident about speaking on the phone. 


  • Long text messages cost more money than a short text.
  • It can be difficult for some people to work out how to send a text message. 
  • Sometimes take a while to arrive at the other phone if the network is busy.
  • You don’t know if the person has received your text.

My personal Experience: I text sometime when it is something important or an emergency, but I mostly used other social media such as Facebook, Whats App, because it makes it easy for me if I have a Wi-Fi, and it doesn't cost me, on the other side if I text someone it would cost me.

Wednesday 10 September 2014

Introduction to Online Services


                                            Online Services

There are different types of online services. But I will be explaining you the one that are used in every day’s life, so I am going to start with E-commerce.

E-commerce is when items are brought or sold online or over the internet.. It includes shopping online, paying for your insurance, online Banking online auctions.

Social networking enables users to communicate with each other by posting information, commenting and sending images; they are Facebook, Snap chat, twitter, vines and Instagram.

Entertainment is one of the popular and most used online service by many people, it is used by most people around the world there are many types of them which are films, music YouTube, and games.

Communications is the way of connecting or talking to people through internet which are Email, blogs, Skype, messaging, newsgroup, online conferencing, smart phones 3g/4g Wi-Fi

Education is very important for young people, education is available   online even you do exams online now it has and have  been used mostly by teenagers and school students, there are many website some of them are my maths, Sam learning, Exams, UCAS, VlEs.

Download Service is used by many people and has become very popular over the recent years, most of the download service cover Entertainment section such as downloading films, music, videos.

Real time information is information that can be viewed online 24/7 and is updated every second so they keep you up to date it  covers things like train timetables, new services, traffic reports if there is traffic jam anywhere on the motorway etc, weather reports for like we hear weather forecast.

Banking: online banking allows users to go to their bank and check their money, transactions and transferring money to other person bank, it is now easy for people because they don’t have to go bank to check or transfer money.