Wednesday 10 September 2014

Introduction to Online Services


                                            Online Services

There are different types of online services. But I will be explaining you the one that are used in every day’s life, so I am going to start with E-commerce.

E-commerce is when items are brought or sold online or over the internet.. It includes shopping online, paying for your insurance, online Banking online auctions.

Social networking enables users to communicate with each other by posting information, commenting and sending images; they are Facebook, Snap chat, twitter, vines and Instagram.

Entertainment is one of the popular and most used online service by many people, it is used by most people around the world there are many types of them which are films, music YouTube, and games.

Communications is the way of connecting or talking to people through internet which are Email, blogs, Skype, messaging, newsgroup, online conferencing, smart phones 3g/4g Wi-Fi

Education is very important for young people, education is available   online even you do exams online now it has and have  been used mostly by teenagers and school students, there are many website some of them are my maths, Sam learning, Exams, UCAS, VlEs.

Download Service is used by many people and has become very popular over the recent years, most of the download service cover Entertainment section such as downloading films, music, videos.

Real time information is information that can be viewed online 24/7 and is updated every second so they keep you up to date it  covers things like train timetables, new services, traffic reports if there is traffic jam anywhere on the motorway etc, weather reports for like we hear weather forecast.

Banking: online banking allows users to go to their bank and check their money, transactions and transferring money to other person bank, it is now easy for people because they don’t have to go bank to check or transfer money.

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