Wednesday 26 November 2014

                                  Employment in the information age
Some jobs don't require skills but there are some obvious ones that involve the computer such as working in office where you will need keyboard skills, etc. Back in the days people didn't had any computers, they had type writers where they would type on papers on spread sheet and word press program. Further more now in modern day computers are found in all sorts of jobs. computers are now used to save all data and information. With technology things have changed very rapidly, as we see technology or computer devices everywhere an example would be a petrol station so if we are paying for petrol they will have computer. now we are living in the world that even the smallest shops in the UK have computer an technology devices such as self checkouts, CCTV, scanning items.

Technology in offices : There are still jobs that don't have computers or require computer skills such as security guards. But most of the jobs now require some sort of computer skills even in jobs that people would imagine that we don't need computer skills now would need for example: a post men now have electronic pads when delivering a package they would ask you to sign. Now offices have new Pc's (personal computers) for each staff they have their own desk and sometime their own room, back in the days people would use typewriter to write things now computer has made life easier and we can now write things such as reports in matters of minutes. There is now less paper work as most work or data is saved in computers, USB pin, memory cards or little chips where it can save all our data and we can use it whenever we want, back in the days there was more paper work as there wasn't technology devices to save data or work so people had to use papers and they would have filing cabinets where they use to put files in.

General changes in Employment: whenever any changes occur in employment industry, people suffer IT has a very high impact on employment people have been put out of work because of computer as computers can do human jobs and offices than need less staff.  people now have been losing jobs because of the information age if we look at car companies they now don't need many staff as they have robotic machine where they can check what problem a car has and then a mechanic can easily fix it. Another really important thing that IT has overtaken is skills, skills can now take people jobs if we look people who had skills in sewing, now machine can do their jobs more quicker and cheaper which means that there is no work for sewer and he/she has to find another job. Things can be produce by computers incredibly beautiful then human and this is where human's jobs are not needed, computers can do things that human's can't do i.e. computers can check weather updates, check volcanoes, so human can monitor things through computer that are dangers where human can't go.

Positive impacts of IT on Employment: it's bad that computers take over human job's not just for those people who lose their jobs but also for society. However  there are new jobs created by computers for humans such as computers programmer, there has to be people who would want to be a computer engineer or programming. There also other jobs that created by computers, they are as follows:
  • Repairing computers
  • Amazon where things are bought online, these jobs are there because of IT
  • App developer
  • software and hardware engineers.
Scopes and limitations
We can now communicate easily with other businesses whether it's through emails or phone calls.
Business can pay employee their wages through bank, which makes it easy for business and employees.
We can now buy things quick and easy with the help of computers.
We can save all our work on PC's or USB pin, which means there is less paper work.
people now can use satnav such as "Tom tom"  to deliver products or if someone is going on a journey.
There are jobs that are created by technology such as repairing computers.

Computers has taken over human jobs.
People now can easily hack business computers or work because of the new computers and technology devices.
People are getting lazy day by day because of the technology as they can do things now more quicker and easily such as shopping online rather than shopping on high streets.
There is less face to face communication between business because of technology as they can just drop a text or send them email.

My personal experience: As I am currently working at Tesco, I have experience few things which are related to computers. My job is around scanning products on the till and sometime reducing prices of some products, and I can see how it has impact on all the businesses. so from my job I can see how IT is taking over most of jobs, as we know have to learn things that we didn't had a few years back.


Wednesday 19 November 2014

                                                       Life in the information age
life in the information has changed through out the years. Now In the UK nearly every house has a technology  system i.e. computers, television. computers has a very huge impact on modern day as they are used everywhere or we could say that technology is involved everything for example in Schools, Offices industries. Technology have had a huge impact to the businesses and industries, its has made everything easier not just that but everywhere in the world, if we look at communication people can now easily communicate with each other with the help of technology. Mobile phones with the best features such as iPhone, now everyone has a mobile phone in the Uk.

General changes in the information age
Knowledge is power the more you know something, the more individual power you can become. when knowledge and information comes together this is where society changes. knowledge and information has changed in the 21st century. so for example if we look back  in 1830s telegraph was invented where we could send messages without any physical interaction and then in 1895 we had radio  as a sort of communications between people where we could listen to world news, entertainment. by 1920s we had television where we could see the pictures and hear it and that was the biggest changed in the society .
The invention of calculators, the first calculator was bigger than tables that we have in classrooms and then people worked on it and made it small that now we can fit them in our pockets. Then we had computer, the first proper electronic computer was produced in the second world war. computer known as compute to calculate, back in the days people would call an accountant a computer as he would calculate money or data.

The Jet Age
The first jet fly was invented in 1930s, it made it possible for people to fly in jet. In 1950s we then had proper aeroplanes we it carried 36 passengers from London to Johannesburg on the de Havilland Comet, a four-engine aircraft. so then people would travel easily with jet aircraft and they didn't had to travel through cars etc.

Telephones/ Mobile Phones
 Alexander Graham Bell was  the inventor of telephone, he invented telephone on March 10, 1876. The first words that were spoken through telephone were “Mr. Watson, come here, I want you”  by
Alexander Graham Bell. so then it become possible for people to talk through a device known as telephone and communicate with each other. Then we got mobile phones which was invented on April 1973 where people were able to carry a device with them and talk through it anywhere. Mobile phone was first made only for phone calls and now the iPhone was the first telephone that could connect to internet easily, to the extent now that any phone you buy now could be called a smartphone.
Where we are now?
Technology has changed society, we have better internet and mobile networks which allow us to approach anyone from anywhere. one of the first invented source of communication was Emails, we can easily communicate with people who live in another country or far away from us. we now have satellites in the space which help us to know all the information's around the world. we now have credit and debit cards which makes life simpler as we can withdraw money for ATM machines or pay our bills, now people don't have worry about going to bank and withdrawing money or paying our bills by post we can pay our bills online.
Scopes and Limitations
The advantages of the information age are that now we can save time, on things such as talking to people we can just pick our phone and call them rather than going to their office or home, or we can just drop a text to them. Another advantage is that now we can communicate more easily with people, if we look at social media we have so many ways to communicate with people i.e. Facebook, Skype, what's App. Lastly "online shopping" as technology has made it possible to shop online form anywhere anytime, we can buy anything we want and it can be delivered to our house.

The disadvantages that people might face with information age could be "Hacking", as we have new technology software's people can use them to hack other people  computers and steal all their data, t could even happen with big companies sot his one of the biggest disadvantages of the information age. secondly people can download music illegally through online services. lastly now there is less face to face communication between people and most communication between is done through social media or phone calls.

My Personal Experience
I think that it is good that we are moving forward and that we now have more technology devices because it  makes life easier for people, as they can just save data on computer rather than on writing them on paper. but it could also effect the way we communicate with people as in the UK most teenagers now communicate with each other  through social media.

Wednesday 5 November 2014


The online world has taken off because of entertainment. it is generally accepted that a lot of people seem to waste time on entertainment, people just waste their time on things like Facebook, Instagram and watching videos on YouTube. Films, videos and music are forms of entertainment as they form a part of entertainment. Entertainment is slightly more than that as you can play games online and communicate with other people so you can play in games in group such as Mine craft. 

I will be talking about few of the entertainments sites that have a very high impact on people and that are used by people in their everyday life.

Download: With entertainment downloading things such as software, upgrades, films and movies also become possible . After downloading music we got MP3 where it made it easy for people to listen to music anywhere, and after some time we got IPod where we could watch anything from music to movies and games. now people can just download these things and it is a lot more convenient.

There is also a huge problem with illegal online download, which means that Some people are downloading things for through illegal website, when they really should be paying for the content. this has a very high affect on the music industry as more people download illegal music more than anything.
Scopes and Limitations

It is easy to access, we can download things in matter of minutes.
You can download that one song rather than downloading the whole album.
Some website offer free download services which could save your money.
Illegal downloads has a very high effect on music industry as most people download music illegally.
While downloading software or music you can also get viruses from them.
Some downloads contain viruses which can hack your computer.

EBook: The other  thing that has changed with Entertainment is paper books as now we have EBooks. More people now buy EBook’s than paper books. Amazon also has high impact on high street book stores as now they have introduce Kindle. With Kindle we can now shop for eBooks, download and read eBooks, newspapers, blogs and other digital media, but to use all of them we need a Wi-Fi or wireless networking. The first kindle that was released from amazon was on November 19, 2007.
Scopes and Limitations
It's save time and money.
Easy to access, available 24/7 and 7 days a week.
You can download them directly from internet.
You need a computer or tablet to read eBooks.
You need internet connection to access.
It can hurt your eyes when you read the book for a long time.

Streaming: streaming online videos is a part of entertainment, as we watch online movies and others videos. Netflix is a website which has range of movies and TV shows. In case to use the website user have to pay for subscription, and then the user can watch all the movies as the website has wide range of movies available on their website. the user can use the website everywhere i.e. train, as long as they have internet access.

Scopes and Limitations
Its very easy to use.
Its available 24/7 and 7 days a week.
Streaming online videos requires slow internet connection.
You can always watch the programmes/movies you want to watch whenever you want.
You have to pay for the subscription which is  £5.99 a month.
It requires internet connection.
You cannot download any movies or TV shows
It doesn’t have all popular TV shows like The Walking Dead

Online Games:
William Higginbotham created the first video game in 1958.his game was called "Tennis for Two,". An online is a video game played on computer, laptops, ps3 and Xbox. Now day’s people use their mobile phones or tablets to play games. Online gaming is very popular between teenagers as most of the teenagers in the Uk play online game on Ps3, Xbox and computers. Videos games are very popular in today’s generation, people are able to play against their friend’s online games and at the same time they can communicate with them, while sitting at home playing games on things like Xbox live.

Scopes and Limitations
PC gamers and PlayStation users can play online for free
You can communicate with all friends at once.
It doesn’t require a very good internet connection
You don’t have to play online to play with friends, you can play on a LAN(local area network) party as well
Xbox users have to pay a monthly subscription to play online
You have to buy a microphone or gaming headset to communicate with your friends.
You need internet connection in order  to play games with your friends or online.
If someone has bad internet this affects the other players experience in the game