Wednesday 19 November 2014

                                                       Life in the information age
life in the information has changed through out the years. Now In the UK nearly every house has a technology  system i.e. computers, television. computers has a very huge impact on modern day as they are used everywhere or we could say that technology is involved everything for example in Schools, Offices industries. Technology have had a huge impact to the businesses and industries, its has made everything easier not just that but everywhere in the world, if we look at communication people can now easily communicate with each other with the help of technology. Mobile phones with the best features such as iPhone, now everyone has a mobile phone in the Uk.

General changes in the information age
Knowledge is power the more you know something, the more individual power you can become. when knowledge and information comes together this is where society changes. knowledge and information has changed in the 21st century. so for example if we look back  in 1830s telegraph was invented where we could send messages without any physical interaction and then in 1895 we had radio  as a sort of communications between people where we could listen to world news, entertainment. by 1920s we had television where we could see the pictures and hear it and that was the biggest changed in the society .
The invention of calculators, the first calculator was bigger than tables that we have in classrooms and then people worked on it and made it small that now we can fit them in our pockets. Then we had computer, the first proper electronic computer was produced in the second world war. computer known as compute to calculate, back in the days people would call an accountant a computer as he would calculate money or data.

The Jet Age
The first jet fly was invented in 1930s, it made it possible for people to fly in jet. In 1950s we then had proper aeroplanes we it carried 36 passengers from London to Johannesburg on the de Havilland Comet, a four-engine aircraft. so then people would travel easily with jet aircraft and they didn't had to travel through cars etc.

Telephones/ Mobile Phones
 Alexander Graham Bell was  the inventor of telephone, he invented telephone on March 10, 1876. The first words that were spoken through telephone were “Mr. Watson, come here, I want you”  by
Alexander Graham Bell. so then it become possible for people to talk through a device known as telephone and communicate with each other. Then we got mobile phones which was invented on April 1973 where people were able to carry a device with them and talk through it anywhere. Mobile phone was first made only for phone calls and now the iPhone was the first telephone that could connect to internet easily, to the extent now that any phone you buy now could be called a smartphone.
Where we are now?
Technology has changed society, we have better internet and mobile networks which allow us to approach anyone from anywhere. one of the first invented source of communication was Emails, we can easily communicate with people who live in another country or far away from us. we now have satellites in the space which help us to know all the information's around the world. we now have credit and debit cards which makes life simpler as we can withdraw money for ATM machines or pay our bills, now people don't have worry about going to bank and withdrawing money or paying our bills by post we can pay our bills online.
Scopes and Limitations
The advantages of the information age are that now we can save time, on things such as talking to people we can just pick our phone and call them rather than going to their office or home, or we can just drop a text to them. Another advantage is that now we can communicate more easily with people, if we look at social media we have so many ways to communicate with people i.e. Facebook, Skype, what's App. Lastly "online shopping" as technology has made it possible to shop online form anywhere anytime, we can buy anything we want and it can be delivered to our house.

The disadvantages that people might face with information age could be "Hacking", as we have new technology software's people can use them to hack other people  computers and steal all their data, t could even happen with big companies sot his one of the biggest disadvantages of the information age. secondly people can download music illegally through online services. lastly now there is less face to face communication between people and most communication between is done through social media or phone calls.

My Personal Experience
I think that it is good that we are moving forward and that we now have more technology devices because it  makes life easier for people, as they can just save data on computer rather than on writing them on paper. but it could also effect the way we communicate with people as in the UK most teenagers now communicate with each other  through social media.

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