Sunday 21 December 2014

                                            Education in the Information age

Education has changed over the years due to the increase of access to computers for students and teachers. with computers now we can do so much more than we could 10 years ago. For example, schools used to have a few computers only for teachers just to send e-mails or receive work such as exam or mock papers, but now computers are available for every students. In modern day more work has been done even most of the work has been done on computers, not just secondary students but also primary students are now getting use to IT and now primary school students do their homework's on computers and PC's. Now school''s have tablets in most of the secondary schools around the UK, for students to do their class work, most of the secondary school now have IT as a compulsory subject for Gcse's, which shows how much It and technology has an effect in the positive way on people/students.

There are many online and offline resources available for students and other people available at school and outside school which can be used as an advantage for better education.

VLE: Technology has changed education in many ways, as we can see now we have access to everything from internet to our school work, while we are sitting at home we can access to our school work. VLE- ( Virtual Learning Environment) known as frog is a school website that allow students to access to their school work and also do their homework's, every student has their own log in and password which enables them to access to their school work, school email. It is  a big advantage for teachers as well as students, if a students miss a lesson they can upload the work that you have missed onto the VLE network and it's the same with teachers so if a teachers isn't in then they can just set work on VLE.

Online Resources: One of the main internet resource for the school and at home is BBC bite size. It is a  free online study support resource for school students provided by the government. It is a source of help for students both at school and at home to help them with their studies such as exams. it is used mostly by secondary and A-level students, BBC bite size also so have maths games for students so that they can play games but at the same time they can improve there maths. it is the same with every subject they have fun activities for each subjects.

Networks: Most school now have a network set up, which is important part of education. It means that teachers can share their work with students, this is so that students can easily access to homework's or course work that is set up by students as internet is not needed to access to it. also students can share their work with one another.

In modern day, school facilities are a lot more improved, with more computers accessible to every students. In an average secondary school there is about 300-400 computers with Wi-Fi networks available all over the school. most school now have ICT as a compulsory subject for GCSE's, this is because so that students can get used to technology as it can be used in future with things like presentations, writing essays and communication with people through social media i.e. e-mails

Administration: Every school has an admin who saves all the information each students in that school, which include students personal details, parents details, students records and E-mails to parents, it can all be accessed from one computer which makes it easier for teachers as they can see all the information about students whenever it is needed, just by knowing students name, this all information can be seen.
This is all because of the modern technology, school can now keep records of students easier. One of the big advantage is that teachers can monitor and make sure that students are progressing, this also helps teachers to write a reference for future employers.

Scopes and Limitations
Teachers can now keep all students record on computers without any paper work.
Teachers can send us work if we have missed a lesson through e-mail.
Students have access to internet and it makes life easier for them as they can do most of their homework's at school.
There is less work for teachers as well as student's, as student's can now their homework's on computers.

Some student's don't have computers at home which means they can't do homework's that needs to be done on computers.
Student's are now used to working on computers which means that the writing skills can be very bad.
With social media student's can be distracted while doing their homework.
Student's are getting lazy as they find most their homework's on internet and they don't really look into the book.

My Personal Experience
As a student I think that technology in education is a great benefit for us as we can do most of homework's quickly and easily by just searching it on internet. But at the same time it isn't really a benefit as most student's read less and they just copy and past articles from internet. I think it really is a big advantage for me and other people as we are getting familiar with Ict and learnign to use different things.


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