Wednesday 22 October 2014

                                                                Download Services

When the internet first became useful it was still time that you had to buy a cd and put it in to your computer to listen to music or watch a movie. if you wanted to listen to music you had to go to shop and buy  a cd to listen to it, as there was no online music services. It was same with movies you had to go to shop and rent out a cd or buy it.
But after a few years  it became possible to  download music, films and games. downloader only became possible because of broadband. Now with download services you can download games, software and many other things.

Movies: You can now watch movies online without you going to the shop and buying it. Netflix is the best example of online movies, you can get subscription and then watch movies whenever you desire.

Streaming videos: There are some common things that people can download such as streaming videos, it was also one of the first form of downloading that you could stream videos.
Music: it is been used by most of the people around the world, now people can download music to their computer and mobile phones, iTunes has been used by most of the people to download music.

Games: You can download games but you are not playing those games online in fact you download them which means you can paly it offline. you can download games through big companies such as "steam", they allow playback without a disk and they are cheaper than buying them in the shops.
Satnav: you can download other things such as if you have a satnav you might have to update your directions at some point, so you have to download the software direct to your satnav machine to update your directions.
Updates: Now computers and mobile can updates your apps and software by itself without you doing anything. So when you turn off your computer it will automatically update your computer programs etc. Mobile phones such as IPhones can update your games, and apps by itself.
EBooks: now people can download books  and can read them on their computers, which is a sort of communication between you and your computer. they are also cheaper than that of paper and some of them are more informative and helpful.

Scopes and limitations of Download service
  • You don't have to go to shop to rent or buy movie and music.
  • It is quicker and easy.
  • It saves your time and money as downloading online could be free but if you had to go to shop then you had to pay for the movie.
  • With download, the file is saved in to your computer so you can play it offline  i.e. games.
  • It is available 24/7 and 7 days a week, so you can use it anytime you like.
  • For some movies and apps you have to pay for the subscription which could be same as buying it in the store.
  • some site can not be trusted while downloading music, movies or games as strangers can hack your computer.
  • if you pay for a software and then your computer crashes and your downloading is cancelled, you have to pay for it again as you don't have a CD.
  • Many online music stores only offer music in audio format.
  • Sometimes you don't want anything top update but it does it by itself.
 My Personal Experience
I do use online services a lot of times, I mostly use it watch online streaming videos, listen to online music on site such as YouTube. I also use iTunes to download music but I have to pay for music like £0.69. I also pay online games sometimes at school an I think it is a great way to pass your time. with my iPhone I don't have to update apps as it does by itself I like it but some people might don't want t update their phone or apps and this is could be one of the disadvantages.

Tuesday 21 October 2014


E-Government mostly commonly know an electronic government which consist of online interaction between the government and the society i.e.: citizens. it is now used by most people around the UK and thanks to the technology it is now easier for people to communicate with the government. E-government can be used by people for any propose such as reporting for a lost bin, paying your tax, bills, and even applying for a university through UCAS points.

There are different types of E-government I am going to be talking about few of them and how do they work. With E-Government you can now pay online for your insurances, taxes your bills. For students they can apply for loans and admissions on UCAS. E-Government has made life very easy for people as they can now use all the resources that the government has made available for people.

DVLA: It is a driving and vehicle agency in the UK, where you can apply for your driving licences online or you could just download a form and then send it by letter to the DVLA office. On DVLA website you can  apply for your theory test, change your driving licences address which wasn't first available a few years ago. the government has change rules about vehicle tax disc, form 1st October car  drivers don't have to display paper tax disc. so if someone wants to buy a  car they have to get new vehicle tax before they can drive that car.

GOV.UK: It is a UK government site to help and inform citizens things that happening around the Uk. they have information about all resources such as jobs, tax and pensions, driving and transport and many more. with citizens can pay their income tax payment, tax payers can pay online rather than paying by cheque which is a lot easier and quicker. You can also apply for job, apprenticeships, and look at university loans, have provided all the information for people with forms so it they want to apply for a loan they can just fill the form and sent it off to the address given by

UCAS: It s a government provided website. when applying for university students has to use UCAS. it is through this website that you apply for different university. UCAS website provide you all information about university and courses that are offered in universities, and the entry requirement that you need to have to apply for that university. You can also apply for student finance through UCAS site.

Scopes and limitations of E-government:
It saves money and time for everyone who wants to contact the government.
Now days people use more online services so it is becoming more easy for everyone to access to government.
It is available for everyone 24/7 and 7 days a week.
It is simple and easy to access as long as you have internet connection available.
It's also save people time so if someone has to pay their tax they can just pay it online while they are in the office.
It could be difficult for some people such as people aged 50-70 to find the right information that they are looking for as the website has provided a lot of information.
Government can loose the face to face interaction with people.
Creating E-government cost a lot of money to the government.
Sometimes you might not find the information that you are looking for.
you need internet or Wi-Fi to use the website or to pay for tax.

My Personal experience: I have used UCAS site to apply for college because I thought I might not make it to get in to St Gregory's school. so I used UCAS to apply for west Kent collage and I have also used Gov.UK website to practice for my driving theory test, by doing mock test. it was a great experience as every step was pretty straight forward and it was also free.

Tuesday 14 October 2014

As technology increase day by day, online education also increase. There are many online education website available 24/7 for students as well as for other people. secondary schools have an account for each student on many website such as "My Maths" and "Sam learning", this opportunity is offered to help them do their homework online and revise for their exams.

Online education has become very easier over the few year this is because younger generation know  about computers and technology, and it is use now much easier to use computer than it was a few years ago. Now days kids can just set in front of computer and do what they want, we don’t have to teach them.
I am going to explain to you different types of online education (service) that are available for students and other people.

Bite size is run by the BBC, it is used practically by everyone. It is used quite a lot by people especially by students, and it is limited. Bite size  which has all subjects available. they also have fun activities on their website such as  maths games or puzzles games. Bite size have notes/information on each subject and topics.

My maths: the use of my maths has been increasing over the years. people now use my maths more often and even in school teachers set homework/task for students on my maths. My maths also have maths games so that students take or kids take more interest and that they don't get bored. my maths is all based on maths and it is offer free for students in school and collages. 

Sam Learning: SAM learning works in a similar way as My Maths, but the difference is that SAM leaning has all subjects/ courses available and my maths only provide maths. SAM learning is one of the best ways to study online as it provides revision sessions for every subject, they also have games and fun activities around different subjects so that students take more interest and that they use it more often.  Sam learning has different resources for every year so for like year 10/11 they have Gces's test, mock exams and other revision guides that help students do their homework and revise for tests.

Student Room: This is a different type of online service. it allows user to make account and then post their question and then in seconds or in minutes your question is been answered by someone. it is mostly used by A levels and university students as they have harder question and they need help from other people. you don't have to make account to see the questions and answers, which means that if you are looking for some sort of information you can just search for it and it will give you the information.
YouTube: was first created for people so that they can watch, listen to music and watch other clips, but as online education/services increase people looked in to YouTube and started making educational videos that could benefit students and people. YouTube is a good source of learning because it is a worldwide site which allows everyone to post about any subject/topic they know. YouTube is easy way to study for your exam as if you miss a lesson at school you can just search it in YouTube and find information about the specific topic. there are some privacy rules on YouTube, one of them are that people under 18 are not allowed to view explicit videos.

Scopes and limitations

  • Students can study anywhere they have access to a computer and Internet connection
  • some of the sites are free for revision so, you don't have to pay for tutor you can do at home for free.
  • you can study any topic you like.
  • you can watch videos on some site such as YouTube which are good source of learning.
  • you can also reply or pause videos which you don't get in school.
  • you can study for any subject you like.
  • you can use it 24/7 7 days a week.
  • Most of the website are secure and have the right information about all the subjects.


  • Learners with low motivation or bad study habits may fall behind.
  • There is no tutor or help provided on the website, so its all independent work.
  •  For some sites you have to pay for subscription like Sam learning, my maths.
  • Inaccessible if you do not go to a school.
  • Some sites might give you the wrong information or answers such as "The student room".
  • It could be boring as their is no communication with other people.
  • you might get distracted by your phone, or from adverts while watching videos.
  • you don't really learn much because you just copy and paste information provided on the site.
My personal experience
Personally i do like online education because it is the easiest way to do homework, complete task and revise for your subjects. I use most of the online education site like Sam learning, My maths, BBC bite size and recently i have been using You tube as well. they have very useful information and i can do my homework when ever i feel like it. For some people it could be a problem using My maths and Sam learning as they have to pay for subscription but for me its free because i have got an account from my school. lastly you do independent work which build your self motivation and no one else has to encourage you do your work.

Monday 6 October 2014

Online Banking
Bank is used to be a place where people put their money and stored it in the bank so that there money is safe.
With Online banking money seems to exist everywhere or we could say that online banking is the easiest way to  manage your money without having to go to your bank, instead you use a computer to log on to the internet and go on to your bank website.
with online banking you can complete most of the transactions that people use, this includes checking balances, paying bills, managing direct debits , transferring money to someone account if you have their information and ordering cheque books and statements.
online banking has made life very easy for business as well as for people, so for example your employee just gives your information to the bank and that's how money comes in to your bank. As online banking is growing faster, people now use less high street bank there is now less money kept in bank because of people use online banking now.
Security is always a problem in online banking, the best way to keep your account and information safe is using card reader, so then there s no chance for thieves to get hold of you account details or your information.
there is also other ways thieves can hack into your account and that is called 'Phishing scam'.  it works by an email message sent to your email account. The best way to keep yourself safe from frauds and phishing scam is to make sure that they don't ask for pin number.
Scopes and Limitations  

You don't have to go to your bank, to make payments or transfer money.
You can transfer money easily using online banking
You can use online at home or office.
You can use at a time convenient to, 24/7 and 7 days a week.
You can check your bank statements which means that you can then manger your money.
You can apply for a loan or a mortgage through online banking.
banks  employee less staff  which means they save more money.
You need internet access to use online banking.
Banks have to specialist web developers and expensive computers to run the website.
Fraud is likely to happen with online banking.
'Phishing scam' make people worry.
You can't withdraw cash through online baking, you have to use ATM machine.
With online banking there is less jobs available for people on high streets.
My Personal Experience
I have never used online banking, but my dad uses online banking. I think it is the easy way to manage your money. As I see my dad using online banking it seems very easy to use especially with card reader. with card reader online banking is a very secure way to make payments or check your banks information.


Wednesday 1 October 2014

E-commerce is when businesses and consumers buy and sell products online or perform business transaction online. This includes big companies selling their products to people or consumers online on sites such as Amazon, or EBay.
Amazon was founded on July 5, 1994. Amazon is one of the world largest online sellers. They sell  mostly everything and their products are very cheap. Amazon started their online business from books and then they developed their way to selling other materials such as kitchen stuff, jewellery, car and motorbike tools, sports and many more.
Scopes and limitations of using Amazon
you don't have to go to shop to buy.
cheaper than high street shops.
you can shop anytime 24/7 and 7 days a week.
You might want something on a specific date but it may not get delivered.
Risky credit card or visa card purchase, in case of  a fraudulent person gets hold of your credit card or account number, you may run the risk of being duped and cheated monetarily.
you have to pay for delivery (postage fee).
My personal Experience
I use amazon quite often mostly buying books for school. my family use amazon as well and i think it is a great way to do shopping, there a lot of benefits such as it save your time and it is cheaper then shopping in high streets.
EBay was founded on September 3, 1995. Ebay is the largest online auction site, it is used by many people and business. users simply use it to sell unwanted stuff. EBay sells everything that can come on one's is also very cheap and have a secure payment method (Paypal).
Scopes and Limitations of using EBay
it is way more cheaper than high street shops.
it is easy for people who don't travel so they can just easily buy stuff.
There are more choices available on EBay.
The goods could be damaged.
 So for instance if you buy clothes you can't try it on, it could not fit you when delivered.
You can only base your opinion on pictures and description, but when you receive the item it will be completely different of what you expected it to be.
My Personal Experience
Personally I have not use EBay, but I have heard from my friends and people that it is a good way of selling your unwanted stuff. it saves your time and money. the good thing about using eBay is that it is safe and secure, because of the PayPal.
Other E-commerce
there are other  online business that sell online for instance Tesco, Sainsbury and many other but the difference between them is that they have shops, so this makes it easy for customer to order something online and then they can collect it from the store.
there are a lot of companies that use PayPal to make sure that no fraud happen and that customer card detailed is save and secured.
PayPal is completely secured and is complete isolated, which mean that if someone shops online on EBay and buy something from another person they will be safe and secure so there card detailed won't go to the consumer and will only stay with PayPal.
Some of the Scopes and Limitation of online business.
you can reach more people and you can get more customers.
you don't have to pay for store or hire one.
The biggest advantage would be that you don't have to hire workers and that you save a lot of money and you earn more profit.
They make less money per item.
Bad feedback can spread quickly and then your company won't be making big profit.
Fraud is very popular online and that could happen to someone business.
 Not many business use PayPal such as Amazon so that could be a problem and you could lose customer because of this.