Tuesday 14 October 2014

As technology increase day by day, online education also increase. There are many online education website available 24/7 for students as well as for other people. secondary schools have an account for each student on many website such as "My Maths" and "Sam learning", this opportunity is offered to help them do their homework online and revise for their exams.

Online education has become very easier over the few year this is because younger generation know  about computers and technology, and it is use now much easier to use computer than it was a few years ago. Now days kids can just set in front of computer and do what they want, we don’t have to teach them.
I am going to explain to you different types of online education (service) that are available for students and other people.

Bite size is run by the BBC, it is used practically by everyone. It is used quite a lot by people especially by students, and it is limited. Bite size  which has all subjects available. they also have fun activities on their website such as  maths games or puzzles games. Bite size have notes/information on each subject and topics.

My maths: the use of my maths has been increasing over the years. people now use my maths more often and even in school teachers set homework/task for students on my maths. My maths also have maths games so that students take or kids take more interest and that they don't get bored. my maths is all based on maths and it is offer free for students in school and collages. 

Sam Learning: SAM learning works in a similar way as My Maths, but the difference is that SAM leaning has all subjects/ courses available and my maths only provide maths. SAM learning is one of the best ways to study online as it provides revision sessions for every subject, they also have games and fun activities around different subjects so that students take more interest and that they use it more often.  Sam learning has different resources for every year so for like year 10/11 they have Gces's test, mock exams and other revision guides that help students do their homework and revise for tests.

Student Room: This is a different type of online service. it allows user to make account and then post their question and then in seconds or in minutes your question is been answered by someone. it is mostly used by A levels and university students as they have harder question and they need help from other people. you don't have to make account to see the questions and answers, which means that if you are looking for some sort of information you can just search for it and it will give you the information.
YouTube: was first created for people so that they can watch, listen to music and watch other clips, but as online education/services increase people looked in to YouTube and started making educational videos that could benefit students and people. YouTube is a good source of learning because it is a worldwide site which allows everyone to post about any subject/topic they know. YouTube is easy way to study for your exam as if you miss a lesson at school you can just search it in YouTube and find information about the specific topic. there are some privacy rules on YouTube, one of them are that people under 18 are not allowed to view explicit videos.

Scopes and limitations

  • Students can study anywhere they have access to a computer and Internet connection
  • some of the sites are free for revision so, you don't have to pay for tutor you can do at home for free.
  • you can study any topic you like.
  • you can watch videos on some site such as YouTube which are good source of learning.
  • you can also reply or pause videos which you don't get in school.
  • you can study for any subject you like.
  • you can use it 24/7 7 days a week.
  • Most of the website are secure and have the right information about all the subjects.


  • Learners with low motivation or bad study habits may fall behind.
  • There is no tutor or help provided on the website, so its all independent work.
  •  For some sites you have to pay for subscription like Sam learning, my maths.
  • Inaccessible if you do not go to a school.
  • Some sites might give you the wrong information or answers such as "The student room".
  • It could be boring as their is no communication with other people.
  • you might get distracted by your phone, or from adverts while watching videos.
  • you don't really learn much because you just copy and paste information provided on the site.
My personal experience
Personally i do like online education because it is the easiest way to do homework, complete task and revise for your subjects. I use most of the online education site like Sam learning, My maths, BBC bite size and recently i have been using You tube as well. they have very useful information and i can do my homework when ever i feel like it. For some people it could be a problem using My maths and Sam learning as they have to pay for subscription but for me its free because i have got an account from my school. lastly you do independent work which build your self motivation and no one else has to encourage you do your work.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, proper legit mate, kush! 1v1 me on twitter, aight
