Wednesday 22 October 2014

                                                                Download Services

When the internet first became useful it was still time that you had to buy a cd and put it in to your computer to listen to music or watch a movie. if you wanted to listen to music you had to go to shop and buy  a cd to listen to it, as there was no online music services. It was same with movies you had to go to shop and rent out a cd or buy it.
But after a few years  it became possible to  download music, films and games. downloader only became possible because of broadband. Now with download services you can download games, software and many other things.

Movies: You can now watch movies online without you going to the shop and buying it. Netflix is the best example of online movies, you can get subscription and then watch movies whenever you desire.

Streaming videos: There are some common things that people can download such as streaming videos, it was also one of the first form of downloading that you could stream videos.
Music: it is been used by most of the people around the world, now people can download music to their computer and mobile phones, iTunes has been used by most of the people to download music.

Games: You can download games but you are not playing those games online in fact you download them which means you can paly it offline. you can download games through big companies such as "steam", they allow playback without a disk and they are cheaper than buying them in the shops.
Satnav: you can download other things such as if you have a satnav you might have to update your directions at some point, so you have to download the software direct to your satnav machine to update your directions.
Updates: Now computers and mobile can updates your apps and software by itself without you doing anything. So when you turn off your computer it will automatically update your computer programs etc. Mobile phones such as IPhones can update your games, and apps by itself.
EBooks: now people can download books  and can read them on their computers, which is a sort of communication between you and your computer. they are also cheaper than that of paper and some of them are more informative and helpful.

Scopes and limitations of Download service
  • You don't have to go to shop to rent or buy movie and music.
  • It is quicker and easy.
  • It saves your time and money as downloading online could be free but if you had to go to shop then you had to pay for the movie.
  • With download, the file is saved in to your computer so you can play it offline  i.e. games.
  • It is available 24/7 and 7 days a week, so you can use it anytime you like.
  • For some movies and apps you have to pay for the subscription which could be same as buying it in the store.
  • some site can not be trusted while downloading music, movies or games as strangers can hack your computer.
  • if you pay for a software and then your computer crashes and your downloading is cancelled, you have to pay for it again as you don't have a CD.
  • Many online music stores only offer music in audio format.
  • Sometimes you don't want anything top update but it does it by itself.
 My Personal Experience
I do use online services a lot of times, I mostly use it watch online streaming videos, listen to online music on site such as YouTube. I also use iTunes to download music but I have to pay for music like £0.69. I also pay online games sometimes at school an I think it is a great way to pass your time. with my iPhone I don't have to update apps as it does by itself I like it but some people might don't want t update their phone or apps and this is could be one of the disadvantages.

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